Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Intro and Maths

This is my first time blogging, the reason for this is because I am required to do so by my course module.
In this first week's practical, I am supposed to set up a website and maintain it (which is what i am doing now in fact)
Next, I have to post on my website a breif review of my maths and the review of a computer game of my choice.

This week the only lab session I have gone to is the Advanced C++ on tuesday. That session was mostly on recap on the C++ I learnt on the previous semester. An example would be that I had to write a program that shows the abbreivation of the shortform entered by the user.
cout<<"NC stands for North Carolina.\n";
Now on to maths..

On vectors, I can mostly understand the questions and how to do. However when the vectors come into the 3d zone I begin to have a little problem on understanding them.

On matrix, the only parts I have problems with is finding the determinent of 3x3 matrix and above.

Not much problems with indices at all

Will there also be dfifferenciation ,intergration and the use of logarithem in CG?
I wonder..

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