Sunday, July 20, 2008

Exercise 2 for DM2232

For this exercise, I will be choosing Pandemic 2 to adapt to the Nintendo DS.

For starters Nintendo DS has dual screen and since Pandemic has certain windows that can be clicked , I would suggest showing the situation of the world at the top and those windows on the bottom screen. On the bottom screen to the left side, there should be tabs like World, Virus and such so that a simple touch from the styllus would allow the player to easily see what is going on. On the bottom of the bottom screen, there should be the Breaking News where the player can see the climate changes and such so that he can plan accordingly in order to win the game. If possible there can be extra functions which could be added like certain support powers which aids the player in spreading to countries because I have played the game before, I know that certain countries are nearly impossible to infect. These support powers could be like bacterialogical weapon that instantly infects a target country, or vaccine breaker which gives the player a second chance if the vaccine deployed was successful against him. Also I would suggest that when clicking on to a certain country not only the words are displayed but a visual portrayal should be shown this will allow players to understand what is really happening within the country instead of words which sometimes people may misunderstand or do not know. Perhaps it should also be shown when an infected person is aboard a plane or ship so as to notify the player if his infection is successful or not.

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